Myrtle makes mincemeat of the blighters
who dare to raise her temper! The Carny Queen
uses her cunning to cut 'em up!
carney.wav....You know, in my carney days, I used to be very good at knowin' who's on the up and up..and who's on the make....
pickles.wav.....And that woman is missin' some pickles in her jar!!
getouta.wav...."I'm a kind of forgivin' type...but I draw the line with you! miserable excuse for a man!...Now get the Hell out of my house.....and don't stop until you see the city limits in the rear view mirror of your car! ! !....Now Get Out Of Here!"....
clown.wav.....I've met that clown before!
havemet.wav.....Oh! that ain't an assumtion, sweetheart, that's a fact......we have met!....
bologna.wav.....Bologna!...If you're a professor, then I'm the Queen of Sheba!
myrtle1.wav...."Could you arrange to send a valentine bouquet to the North Pole?!?"
nopole.wav...."Not since Santa invited me to stay at the North Pole....have I had such a wonderful offer!".....
fruitcak.wav....And that nuttier than a fruitcake!.....
theball.wav....Well thank you darling...but I have a little...what do you call....pumpkin...with four white mice and they're taking me off to the ball....
pigsfly.wav...."When Pigs Fly! ! !"......
whimp.wav...."Don't you dare whimp out at me!"....
pimple.wav...."Ya know....just gettin' a pimple is a reason for deep despair"....
aman.wav...."There's a man who can make your dreams come true and he just walked through the door!".....
mrtbloop.wav.....Myrtle makes a blooper!..."Spring Valley? Pine Valley? Where do we live?"
toaudrey.wav...."We've been talking to Audrey"....
myrtpipe.wav...."Let her have her pipe's the only thing she's got left"....
highwire.wav...."He was an artist....he and his brothers did very wonderful dangerous things on the highwire"....(Myrt talks about her old flame...Rae Cummings' father)...
walkwire.wav...."Well listen that's our carney blood...I tell you and me can walk the highwire without a mat beneath....without any help....that comes naturally"....
midway.wav...."We don't say goodbye in the carney......We say....see you at Midway".....
Rae....always "Cummings"...and Goings...
It's that Carney Blood
santa.wav...."What's this about Santa?!?.....And the North Pole?".....
stories.wav...."I have to hear all of your stories...and the places you've been".....
grateful.wav...."Maybe we should just be grateful we found each other and be thankful for that".....
madatme.wav...."You're not mad at me.....are you?"....
And now...once a Nurse, and a Countess....
Growlings from Gloria!!
arrogant.wav....Gloria: You are SO stupid and arrogant!
poison.wav....Gloria: I sprinkled poison in your food to kill you slowly!
eye4eye.wav....Gloria: An
for an
and a
for a
kelly.wav....Kelly, not Kitty (whatever...she was executive producer!): I think I believe you, chap........
Farewell Francesca..! ![]()
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So, now you can join in the fun....
enjoy a traditional high tea.......
rest on Myrtle's front porch.......
or take the main road back to the heart of Pine Valley!
Whatever your choice, thanks for visiting Myrtle's Boardinghouse!
Back to the main AMC SOUNDS page!!
Head on over to one of the other addresses in Pine Valley!Please be aware that these pages are BIG! They contain .wavfiles and animated images, and the first time you visit, they will take a while to load. Please be patient. Thanks!
---Myrtle's Boardinghouse---Check in at Myrtle's!! Rae Cummings now has her permanent mailing address there, Gloria and Kelly Cole are the featured guests.
---Linden House---Time to visit the Diva Kane and her wise mother, Mona, with memories from 20 Adams Street.
---The Cabinet Of Dr. David Hayward---Do NOT bypass this page! Stop in for a check up with the number one heart healer in Pine Valley...and leave us not forget Mother...Vanessa, and her pretentious pratt Leo DuPres. On your way out don't miss Dr. David's Wild Ride, I'm sure he'd be delighted to drive you to any place your heart desires.
---The Loft ~ Lavery's Lair---Romanticize with Ryan inside his retreat for the for the lovelorn....Also known to some as "Wyan's Woom"....
---Wildwind---The Marick Estate---Let's go over by the river and almost through the woods to Dimitri and Edmund's mansion! Peggy, Princess Gillian, Eugenia, Alex and Maria also await.
---The Marick Mausoleum--- For fellow fans of the late, great Hugo Marick....He now has his own page! Faithful servant Helga's found her final resting place here as well....
---The Chandler Mansion---Adam and Stuart's residence is filled with interesting bits and selections from Skye.
---Jackson Montgomery's Penthouse---The DA's resigned!! Pine Valley's court official turned court jester. Get an animated cyber kiss from Jackson, while you listen or load up some very entertaining sound wavs. Derek is there to give you a police escort back!....All approved....(or at least put up with) Walt Willey himself!....
---The Colby Holding Company---Marian and Liza, Dahlllings! Dramas and Traumas! Various comments from Marian who wants to hold a man, and Liza, who wants to hold the money! All in wav format for chatroom playback! They'll send send Shivers to your Elbows and Toes....Dahlllings!
---Wallingford Mansion---Feel free to frequent Phoebe's family and friends! Eloquent English expressions with Babblings from Brooke And Professor Langley's Language 101.
---Crossland Manor - Tad's Place---A taste of Tad and downhome dialogue droppings from Dixie! Also, some Pigeon Hollow purity from houseguest Becca Tyree.....
---1219 Hillcrest...The Martin House---A jigger of Jake, a jolt of Joe and a cup of Kelsey!
---The Dillon House!---Let's go see what Trevor, Janet, Harold, Amanda and the TimMan are doin'..
---Cortlandt Manor---Ms. Opal and Mr. Palmer are waiting to give you some down-home philosophy! Also staring Opal's off the record offspring....Adrian Sword and house guest Kevin adds some starry eyed thoughts.
---The Sounds Of Salsa---Your table is waiting as Hayley and Mateo welcome you to their very own nightclub!(formerly Holiday's)....and Sweeties....don't forget to join Arlene for a tall cool one at the bar.
---The Pine Cone Motel---Come visit the Pine Valley landmark, where the elite meet to cheat. Wil Cortland, Kendall Hart and Tanner Jordan are waiting for the other guests to arrive!! Before you check out, don't forget to visit lovely Willow Lake's forest of ovblivian, where we find parked...Esther's Trailer!"
---Front Street---Come on down to Front Street! Pine Valley's action area! Noah and Julia are waiting there! Belinda and Officer Taylor Cannon add a few comments....
---Pine Valley's VALLEY INN---The place and the guests are definitely classier than the Pine Cone! Among the current guests are "Roy....Mike Roy"....Nick Davis, Jeremy Hunter, Doctor Kinder and Paolo to make you feel rested and, in a special Cameo Role, Dom Deluise!
---CYCLOPS!---Let us now walk through the shadder of the Valley Of Pines...if we dare, Fair Maids and Kind Gentlemen..where John Henry Rockerfeller alas Billy Clyde Tuggle's a Real Blast...ya'll...! !
Myrtle requested that we include the Flag of Scotland!
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