Brooding Brothers!!
Mr. Marick makes some Monstrous Remarks!! You can Count on him for some death-defying quotes! Plus Pulitzer Prize comments from brother Edmund, Peggy, Princess Gillian, Aunt Eugenia, Alex and Maria.SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!
For fellow fans of the late, great Hugo Marick....He now has his own page!..His faithful servent Helga also lies there..
----The Marick Mausoleum---
Just click on the title to transport yourself to the netherworld!
russian.wav...Dimitri: What's Russian for I've Got a Secret?!?
isntshe.wav....Dimitri:....Something else....isn't she....
satan.wav....Dimitri:....My advice to you would be to side with those who consider me one step above Satan.....
andrassy.wav.....Dimitri:......"I Am.....Count Andrassy"......
villain.wav....Dimitri:....I am the villain that everyone loves to hate!
carcass.wav....Dimitri:....You're picking at the carcass and I'm not dead yet!!......
honor.wav....Dimitri once again reminds us of the Marick family moto...
dimigod.wav....Dimitri:....Yea, yea, yea, I own the whole world.....see I'm a demigod....a power hungry demigod just like my comon man get up and fight....I'm ready!".....
titles.wav......Gloria:....Will they have royal titles? Dimitri: Yes, the girls will have tiaras and the boys will have jeweled riding crops......
coldcofe.wav....Dimitri:....I am tired...I haven't slept....I would like to sit her with a cold cup of coffee and read my paper....all right?!?....
freudian.wav....Dimitri:....It's a Dream!....A bad dream.....a Freudian Nightmare!!!
tiedup.wav....Angelique:....Well being tied up and left in a cold mausoleum....wasn't my idea of a good time....
closets.wav....Blooper:....Dimitri and Edmund look for closets inside skeletons!
dropdead.wav.....Edmund:....Try dropping dead!!
withyou.wav....Edmund:....And I like being with you....
amcmoto.wav....Edmund....Reciting the phrase Anges Nixon made famous:...."The great and the meek...the rich and the poor...the strong and the sickness and in triumph and in tragedy....we are all...God's children"......
concern.wav......Edmund:....Your fake concern doesn't fly in here..too many people know you for who you are.
shutup.wav....Edmund:...Just shut the hell up!!!
togo.wav.....Edmund:...I've got places to go and people to see!
wildwind.wav....Edmund:....(with Brooke)...."Vadsel?...Vaddsell?...Vaadsel"....Edmund:...."Yea, that's the Marick Estate in's the closest they could get to Vildvind in Hungarian"....
stayhere.wav....Edmund:....I'd really like it if you stay here....
leprechn.wav......Edmund:....Next time I see a
leprechaun, I'll tip you off!
secret.wav......Edmund:...What deep dark secret are you hiding?.....
ulook.wav....Edmund:....You look beautiful.....
manure.wav....Edmund:....I've just never seen anyone so happy about manure.....
alex.wav....Alexandra:...."Call me Alex"......
backside.wav....Alexandra:...."It wasn't so long ago you couldn't wait to see my backside"....
bumpyrid.wav....Alexandra:...."It's gonna be a bumpy ride"....Edmund:...."Well they better fasten their seatbelts".....
perverse.wav....Alexandra:...."He got a perverse thrill out of doing that".....
goldaftn.wav...."All in a golden afternoon....Full leisurely we glide....For both our oars, with little little arms are plied....While little hands make vain pretence....Our wanderings to guide."
chapter1.wav...."Chapter One.....Alice, was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank"....
peelin.wav....Peggy:....Are you suggesting the I would sit around the kitchen table with the others peelin' potatoes, repeating every scandalous rumour that we heard? Well, we had a high old time, let me tell you! What do you want to know?
starters.wav.....Peggy:....Well, for starters, you boys need to keep up your strength!
brewin.wav......Peggy:....She's actin' funny! There's trouble brewin!
byecheri.wav...Gillian:....It was fun while it lasted wasn't it? Bye Bye, Cheri!
adummy.wav....Gillian:....I'm just sick of being such a dummy....I'm always sticking my hand in my mouth....
heartles.wav....Gillian:....There you are you heartless monster!!!....You've ruined my life again!.....
erasers.wav....Gillian:....Does that mean I have to stay after school and clap erasers?
tabloids.wav...Gillian:....Why don't you go before somebody calls the tabliods.....Haven't you had enough bad publicity for one lifetime? Let's just go before papparazzi arrive.
tvacad.wav....Gillian:....Did you go to Pine Valley TV Academy?
vadsel.wav....Gillian:....and Vadsel is so beautiful....
500ounce.wav....Gillian:....My favorite scent is Five Hundred Dollars an ounce!
kindness.wav....Gillian:....I've always relied on the kindness of strangers!
halfnaked.wav....Gillian:....I'm half naked and I'm about to ravish my husband....
<jocks.wav....Gillian:....Put me in a locker
room and I'll interview smelly jocks!!
lovedimi.wav....Gillian:....Stop This!! we can't do this...! I know were sad and we're scared....and everything....but we have to love Dimitri we did when he was alive.....
seasalts.wav....Eugenia:....Oh Gillian!...That silky tub is absolutely divine...
....But I miss my Black Sea salts!
threat.wav....Eugenia:....Oh! My dear! You've come back to make good on your threat....Marvelous!.....
princess.wav....Eugenia:....My Darling, it's only befitting a princess! NO expense shall be spared!
2orchest.wav....Eugenia:....Two orchestras! One for traditional and one for that young thing.....
barbaria.wav....Eugenia:....Oh, my Darling! Are we barbarians?
funereal.wav....Eugenia:....Stretch funereal!
regret.wav.....Maria:....You're not going to do anything that you'll regret, are you??
kittens.wav......Maria:....You also have more lives than a litter of kittens....
notwell.wav......Maria:....You clearly are not in touch with need to be in a hospital!
painkill.wav...Maria:....Are you taking something? Are you on the painkillers
wontbe.wav......Maria:....The one place that I will not at your funeral....
This gravesite may (or may not) be a permanent fixture!
It may be necessary to revise this particular graphic in the near future!
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Please be aware that these pages are BIG! They contain .wavfiles and animated images, and the first time you visit, they will take a while to load. Please be patient. Thanks!
---Myrtle's Boardinghouse---Check in at Myrtle's!! Rae Cummings now has her permanent mailing address there, Gloria and Kelly Cole are the featured guests.
---Linden House---Time to visit the Diva Kane and her wise mother, Mona, with memories from 20 Adams Street.
---The Cabinet Of Dr. David Hayward---Do NOT bypass this page! Stop in for a check up with the number one heart healer in Pine Valley...and leave us not forget Mother...Vanessa, and her pretentious pratt Leo DuPres. On your way out don't miss Dr. David's Wild Ride, I'm sure he'd be delighted to drive you to any place your heart desires.
---The Loft ~ Lavery's Lair---Romanticize with Ryan inside his retreat for the for the lovelorn....Also known to some as "Wyan's Woom"....
---The Marick Mausoleum---For fellow fans of the late, great Hugo Marick....He now has his own page! Faithful servant Helga's found her final resting place here as well....
---The Chandler Mansion---Adam and Stuart's residence is filled with interesting bits and selections from Skye.
---Jackson Montgomery's Penthouse---The DA's resigned!! Pine Valley's court official turned court jester. Get an animated cyber kiss from Jackson, while you listen or load up some very entertaining sound wavs. Derek is there to give you a police escort back!....All approved....(or at least put up with) Walt Willey himself!....
---The Colby Holding Company---Marian and Liza, Dahlllings! Dramas and Traumas! Various comments from Marian who wants to hold a man, and Liza, who wants to hold the money! All in wav format for chatroom playback! They'll send send Shivers to your Elbows and Toes....Dahlllings!
---Wallingford Mansion---Feel free to frequent Phoebe's family and friends! Eloquent English expressions with Babblings from Brooke And Professor Langley's Language 101.
---Crossland Manor - Tad's Place---A taste of Tad and downhome dialogue droppings from Dixie! Also, some Pigeon Hollow purity from houseguest Becca Tyree.....
---1219 Hillcrest...The Martin House---A jigger of Jake, a jolt of Joe and a cup of Kelsey!
---The Dillon House!---Let's go see what Trevor, Janet, Harold, Amanda and the TimMan are doin'..
---Cortlandt Manor---Ms. Opal and Mr. Palmer are waiting to give you some down-home philosophy! Also staring Opal's off the record offspring....Adrian Sword and house guest Kevin adds some starry eyed thoughts.
---The Sounds Of Salsa---Your table is waiting as Hayley and Mateo welcome you to their very own nightclub!(formerly Holiday's)....and Sweeties....don't forget to join Arlene for a tall cool one at the bar.
---The Pine Cone Motel---Come visit the Pine Valley landmark, where the elite meet to cheat. Wil Cortland, Kendall Hart and Tanner Jordan are waiting for the other guests to arrive!! Before you check out, don't forget to visit lovely Willow Lake's forest of ovblivian, where we find parked...Esther's Trailer!"
---Front Street---Come on down to Front Street! Pine Valley's action area! Noah and Julia are waiting there! Belinda and Officer Taylor Cannon add a few comments....
---Pine Valley's VALLEY INN---The place and the guests are definitely classier than the Pine Cone! Among the current guests are "Roy....Mike Roy"....Nick Davis, Jeremy Hunter, Doctor Kinder and Paolo to make you feel rested and, in a special Cameo Role, Dom Deluise!
---CYCLOPS!---Let us now walk through the shadder of the Valley Of Pines...if we dare, Fair Maids and Kind Gentlemen..where John Henry Rockerfeller alas Billy Clyde Tuggle's a Real Blast...ya'll...! !