Hayley has a comment or two to get us started...
thefan.wav....Hayley:...."When this mess hits the fan....
it's gonna end up right in your face!"
porkchop.wav....Hayley:...."Methinks the porkchop doth protest too much!"
lilhaley.wav....Hayley:..."Awww..whatza matter?.. liddle Hayley make her big Uncle Porckchop maaaaaad?!?"...
5foodgrp.wav...Hayley:...."My five food groups are........
kitchen.wav....Hayley:...."Put me in a kitchen and...I'm a stranger in a strange land".....
cyberspc.wav....Hayley:...."Well if that's how you choose to spend your energy....look out cyberspace!....
hellofa.wav....Hayley:...."It's gonna be one hell of a night folks!"...
happy2c.wav....Hayley:...."Is that a chimichanga in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?".....
oogroovy.wav....Hayley:..."Ooooh Groovy! ! !"
kelylaff.wav....Here's Kelly laughing it up......
attempt.wav....Hayley:...."Well, That was a failed attempt at damage control!"
beatmeup.wav....Hayley:...."Aww...what are ya gonna do...beat me up?!?"....
onions.wav....Hayley:..."Whoooo...Sorry about the
but you know I like onions on my burgers"....
audrey.wav....Hayley:...."Sounds like something Audrey would do"....
mateo.wav...Mateo:....There's no way to word this drunken song!....he sings...."Mateo Mateo, I'm gonna go get marrrieeeddd...gonna give her the
, ring, ring"...
playgame.wav....Mateo:...."Stop playing games with me....whats going on?"
fuzzynav.wav....Mateo gives drink menu rundown!
janitor.wav...Mateo:...."No habla Ingles...yo soy el janitor".....
gracias.wav...Mateo:....."Buenas Noches, Senor...gracias!"
getoff.wav...Mateo:....."When can we get off?...I mean when can you get off?".....
wherelse.wav....Arlene:...."Well, where else could I possibly be but right here....hmmm?"....
droll.wav....Arlene:...."I've missed that droll sense of humor"....
arlene2u.wav....Arlene:...."Well Auntie Arlene to you!"....
get2know.wav....Arlene:...."We could get to know each other again....maybe, maybe you'd even like me".....
showtune.wav....Arlene:...."I always knew singing those showtunes to you would pay off!"....
expert.wav....Arlene:...."Well let me help, I'm an expert"....
dish.wav....Arlene:...."Hey we haven't had time to dish....I'm sure you have lot's to tell me, comon"....
handsome.wav....Arlene:...."Hey handsome....you oughta be in the pictures".....
spill.wav....Arlene:...."So you gonna spill the truth baby?".....
See what others had to say
Here's a little item that will peek
the interest of any Kelly Ripa fan!!!
"The Stand In"......an independent
film starring Kelly, which has garnered
her the "Best Actress" award at the 1999
New York Independent Film and Video
Festival. You can find out more about
this film or order your own copy. Click
on the video cover image to link you to
The Good To Be Seen Films website.
Back to the main AMC SOUNDS page!!
Please be aware that these pages are BIG! They contain .wavfiles and animated images, and the first time you visit, they will take a while to load. Please be patient. Thanks!
---The Chandler Mansion---Adam and Stuart's residence is filled with interesting bits and pieces...plus selections from Skye.
---Myrtle's Boardinghouse---Check in at Myrtle's!! Rae Cummings now has her permanent mailing address there, Gloria and Kelly Cole are the featured guests.
---Linden House---Time to visit the Diva Kane and her wise mother, Mona, with memories from 20 Adams Street.
---The Cabinet Of Dr. David Hayward---Do NOT bypass this page! Stop in for a check up with the number one heart healer in Pine Valley...and leave us not forget Mother...Vanessa, and her pretentious pratt Leo DuPres. On your way out don't miss Dr. David's Wild Ride, I'm sure he'd be delighted to drive you to any place your heart desires.
---The Loft ~ Lavery's Lair---Romanticize with Ryan inside his retreat for the for the lovelorn....Also known to some as "Wyan's Woom"....
---Wildwind---The Marick Estate---Let's go over by the river and almost through the woods to Dimitri and Edmund's mansion! Peggy, Princess Gillian, Eugenia, Alex and Maria also await.
---The Marick Mausoleum---For fellow fans of the late, great Hugo Marick....He now has his own page! Faithful servant Helga's found her final resting place here as well....
---Jackson Montgomery's Penthouse---The DA's resigned!! Pine Valley's court official turned court jester. Get an animated cyber kiss from Jackson, while you listen or load up some very entertaining sound wavs. Derek is there to give you a police escort back!....All approved....(or at least put up with)....by Walt Willey himself!....
---The Colby Holding Company---Marian and Liza, Dahlllings! Dramas and Traumas! Various comments from Marian who wants to hold a man, and Liza, who wants to hold the money! All in wav format for chatroom playback! They'll send send Shivers to your Elbows and Toes....Dahlllings!
---Wallingford Mansion---Feel free to frequent Phoebe's family and friends! Eloquent English expressions with Babblings from Brooke And Professor Langley's Language 101.
---Crossland Manor - Tad's Place---A taste of Tad and downhome dialogue droppings from Dixie! Also, some Pigeon Hollow purity from houseguest Becca Tyree.....
---1219 Hillcrest...The Martin House---A jigger of Jake, a jolt of Joe and a cup of Kelsey!
---The Dillon House!---Let's go see what Trevor, Janet, Harold, Amanda and the TimMan are doin'..
---Cortlandt Manor---Ms. Opal and Mr. Palmer are waiting to give you some down-home philosophy! Also staring Opal's off the record offspring....Adrian Sword and house guest Kevin adds some starry eyed thoughts.
---The Pine Cone Motel---Come visit the Pine Valley landmark, where the elite meet to cheat. Wil Cortland, Kendall Hart and Tanner Jordan are waiting for the other guests to arrive!! Before you check out, don't forget to visit lovely Willow Lake's forest of ovblivian, where we find parked...Esther's Trailer!"
---Front Street---Come on down to Front Street! Pine Valley's action area! Noah and Julia are waiting there! Belinda and Officer Taylor Cannon add a few comments....
---Pine Valley's VALLEY INN---The place and the guests are definitely classier than the Pine Cone! Among the current guests are "Roy....Mike Roy"....Nick Davis, Jeremy Hunter, Doctor Kinder and Paolo to make you feel rested and relaxed....plus, in a special Cameo Role, Dom Deluise!
---CYCLOPS!---Let us now walk through the shadder of the Valley Of Pines...if we dare, Fair Maids and Kind Gentlemen..where John Henry Rockerfeller alas Billy Clyde Tuggle awaits..it's a Real Blast...ya'll...! !