It Can..Happen Here!

Humorous bits and absurd 1 liners from history's greatest beloved nutjobs!
Like....Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann....Soupy Sales....Mr. Rogers?!?
....(what's he doin' here?)....Allan Sherman and the irrepressible Robin Williams!

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Lily Tomlin...through one of her most endearing characters, EdithAnn
shows us the wisdom of the world through a child's eyes.

heylady.wav..."Hey Lady.......Lady you......what is your name?"....

helloldy.wav....Hello Lady......do you remember me?.....

college.wav...."MaryJean says if you smoke marijuana....you can finish four years of college in one week".....

supermkt.wav....."The one thing I don't like about the supermarket...is"......The carts isn't comfortble for children....and".....

rollers.wav....."When you go to the supermarket, you have to wear hair rollers"......

lies.wav...."Lady, I do not make up things....That is lies.....Lies is not truth.....but the truth can be made up, if ya know how".....

6isa4.wav...." If ya need sumfin' call me....it's the same as Chicken Delight...'cept the 6 is a 4.....

lonely.wav...."Lady.....I know where you are now....so I'll come to visit you....and you won't be lonely"....

thetruth.wav...."And thats the Truth! ! !".......

Soupy Sales That Pie In the Sky Guy gonna show us how to "Do The Mouse"

mouse.wav...."Hey Do the Mouse....yea.....Yea....do it all around your house, yea"....

soupybux.wav....Soupy tells us about his last day as a Kiddie show host and why it all ended....

A Kiddie show host in a class by himself Mr. Rogers offers these thaughts to ponder

boyrgirl.wav..."Are you a boy or a girl?....I used to think you were born, and then became a boy or a girl".....

marrymom.wav...."When I was a little boy, I guess I was around 4 or 5 years old I thaught for sure that I would grow up and marry my mom"....

newbaby.wav....."Did you ever have a new baby come to live with you?"........

yyy.wav...Mr. Rogers with a snappy little ditty...."Why why why why why why why?"......

I've Got A Secret, Allan Sherman was co-creator and producer of this
early T.V. Gameshow, but most of us recall him for his lyrical wit!

yrtrble.wav....."You know vat yer trouble is daahlingk?....Ya got a speech impediment"....

gavemluv.wav...."I Gave My Love a Chicken it had no bone....but when ya give a baby....there's just one thing....you oughta give at least an engagement ring!

oldlangz.wav...."I knew a man who's name was Lang....and he had a neon sign.....and Mr. Lang was very old....so they called it "Old Lang's Sign"....

mahjong.wav...."Catskill ladies sing this song Hoo-Haa....Hoo-Haa....Sittin' on da front porch playin' Mah Jong...all Hoo-Haa Day"....Allan Parodies Camptown Races....

carwash.wav...."Oh the moon is bright tonight upon the carwash....so I'm having my Volkwagon washed again"......

gdnfwy.wav...."get on the Garden Freeway....When you come out to visit me....You'll see a great big shopping center with a brand new A&P"....Allan gives directions somewhere in Jersey, to the tune of Give My Regards To Broadway"...

roseotex.wav...."Oh, I'm Melvin Rose of Texas and my friends all call me Tex... when I lived in old New Mexico...they used to call me Mex".....

mmalone.wav...."She wheels her wheelbarrow....through streets that are narrow.....She's Cockeyed And Musclebound.......Molly..Maaaalone!"....(this wav is compressed)....

geritol.wav...."Josha got a bottle of Geritol...and he knocked a hole in da wall...dat's all...no wall"....

dismay.wav....God Bless You Jerry Mendlebaum....let nothing you dismay....Dis May you had a rotten month....so what is there to say?"....Allan with a twist to God Bless Yee Merry Gentlemen....

liverwrs.wav....."Oh when ya go to the delicatessen store....Don't Buy the Liverworst....Don't Buy the Liverworst....Don't Buy the Liverworst"....Sung to the tune of Down By The Riverside....(This is a compressed wav)....

salami.wav....."Do not make a stingy sandwich....pile the coldcuts high....Customers should see salami...Comin' Through The Rye".....

Always expect the unexpected from the irrepressible Robin Williams

robinhrd.wav...."Yes I've been playing with them for a long time....and I have a huuge hardrive....let's talk".....(Robin on computers)....

robinbio.wav...."Now on America Online 90% of those profiles are not who they say they are"....

(Robin voices his opinion on peoples' online computer profiles.)

eatwood.wav....Robin gives a lesson on plant eating dinosaurs to the tune of James Brown's I Feel Good.....

notip.wav....As Mrs. Doubtfire...."Oh I saw it sir....Some angry member of the kitchen staff...a run by fruiting!....Did you not tip them?".....

obsessed.wav...."Oh god what am I doing here this is beyond obsession!"......

robinmvt.wav...."It's Lifestools Of The Rich And Famous".... what about celebrities in public bathrooms?

figaro.wav....Robin sings a bit from The Barber Of Seville.....

robnewyr.wav...."This is Robin Williams....Happy New Year!".....

(a wav good for once a year unless you include Chinese and Jewish New Years)

crik.wav....As Genie...."Oye! ! !...ten thousand years.....'ill give ya such a crik in the neck! ! !"....

betaught.wav...."Yes!.......He CAN....be taught! ! !"........

outahere.wav...."No use hanging around this popsicle stand anymore...I'm outta here!"....

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