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The Crown Prince Of Terror....Vincent Price
gives a few recitations...and comments!
vprice.wav....Vincent's wickedly good laugh!
poisoned.wav...."Do you remember the fun we had when you poisioned me?"....From House On Haunted Hill....
smile.wav...."Hmm hmm hmm hmm...that's right....go it's ha ha"....
lookof.wav...."The look of horror spoils your lovely face"....
thepit.wav....Vincent offers us a very scary rendering of Poe's The Pit and The Pendulum.....This was the prologue to Roger Corman's 1961 film version...the classic Poe lies below....
thepit1.wav...."I now observed...with what horror it is needless to say, that its lower extremity was a cresent of glimmering steel...about a foot in length from horn to horn....the horns upward and the under edge evidently as keen as a razor......and it hissed, as it swung through the air
....inch by inch".....
thepit2.wav...."But the stroke of the pendulum already pressed upon my bosom...It had divided the serge of my garment....Twice again it swung and a sharp sense of pain...through every nerve...but the moment of escape had arrived"....
thepit3.wav...."But the agony of my soul found vent in one long and final....SCREAAMMMMM of despair!"....
medicine.wav...."Shall I give him some medicine hmmmm?....Ha ha ha!"....
theyrwax.wav...."To you, they're wax....but to me their creator, they live and breathe"....
mydear.wav...."Will you come to see me again my dear?"....
shouldnt.wav...."You shouldn't have done that my dear"....
solate.wav...."Sorry I've kept you so late here tonight"....
raven-c.wav....As no one else can do it....Vincent recites Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven....(Now quality has improved and it's full length.)
lenore.wav...Vincent having some fun, narrating the Tinytoons version of The Raven
.."Who's there?...I weakly uttered as the doorbell bounced and a ghostly voice then muttered"...."It's a Candygram!...from Lenore"....."Lenore?!?".....
nevermor.wav...."It was me that was remarking that this pest would come a harking with her feathered tail embarking in my chamber.......Nevermore!"......
humanrac.wav...."I Sometimes feel like I'm the dark subconscious of the whole human race"....
imbutch.wav...."Hullo....I'm Butch....ah...dishy dishy hair!....Can't wait to get my hands on it!".....
in Theater Of Blood....
gayparis.wav...."They're something new from Gay Paris".....
shocks.wav...."The end will come soon my love....It is a pain beyond agony so intense, it shocks the mind into instant oblivion"....
fly.wav...From The motion picture The Fly..
..a disturbing cry for help!
master.wav...."Come near yee nations to hear and harken yee people....Let the Earth hear and all that is there in...
for the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations and his fury upon all their armies...he shall harken and destroy them"....The opening of Jules Verne's Master Of The World....Vincent as Robur....
understn.wav...."It is quite obvious that you do not understand me...and probably never will"....
learnwar.wav...."Nation shall not lift up sword against nation...neither shall they learn war...anymore"....
potion.wav...From the movie The Raven...Vincent and Peter Lorre as wizards mixin' up the medicine...
apology.wav...."I have come to offer you my apology"....
cameback.wav...."I'm glad you came back"....
lucrazi.wav...Vincent introduces himself from the Black Cat in Tales Of Fortunato Lucrezzi....famed wine taster...
amontill.wav...."It was about dusk one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season that I encountered my friend...he accosted me with excessive warmth for he had been drinking much...The man wore the costume of a jester...he had on tights and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells...I was so pleased to have see him that I thought I should never had done with ringing his hands....I said to dear Fortunato you are luckily remarkably well you are looking today...I have recieved a keg of what passes for Amontillado and I have my doubts.
wall-up.wav...."I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar...With these materials and the aid of a trowel, I soon began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the nitch"....
cough.wav...."(cough cough)...Mold, long have you had that cough?"....
etiquett.wav..."It is so easy to commit embarrassing blunders....but etiquette tell us just what is expected of us and guards us from all humiliation and discomfort"...
tea.wav...."Let us pretend that we are in the drawing room and the hostess is serving tea....Now many numerous little questions confront us..should the man rise when he accepts his cup of tea?....Vincent offers his etiquette on a serving a proper tea, from Edward Scissorhands....
boring.wav...."Hmmmm, yes...boring"....
cat.wav....(meow)...."What a lovely cat!"....(meew)....
vincpoem.wav...."There was an old man from the cape....who made himself garments of crepe....when asked if they'd tear he replied...."Here and there....but they keep such a beautiful shape"....
amadman.wav...."Now, would a madman have been so wise as this?"....Below you'll find a series of sound wavs from Vincent's narration of The Tell Tale Heart....
amimad.wav...."True, nervous...very very dreadfully nervous...I had been and am....but, why would you say that I am mad?....The disease had sharpened my senses...not destroyed, not dulled them...Above all was the sense of hearing acute...I heard all things in the Heaven and in the Earth....I heard many things in Hell....How then am I mad? Harken and observe how calmly I can tell you the whole story"....
theeye.wav...."I think it was his eye....yes, it was this...One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture...A pale blue eye with a film over it...Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold...And so by degrees, very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man
and thus to rid myself of the eye forever"....
groan.wav...."Presently I heard a slight groan...I knew it was the groan of long drawn out mortal terror....It was not a groan of pain or grief...ah was the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul...and overcharged with awe....I knew the sound well"....
beating.wav...."There came to my ears a low dull quick sound such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton...I knew that sound well too...It was the beating of the old man's heart...It increased my fury as the beating of a drum stimulates a soldier to courage but even yet, I refrained and kept still...I scarcely breathed. In time the hellish tatoo of
the heart increased...It grew quicker and quicker and quicker and louder and louder every instant....The old man's terror must have been extreme...It grew louder I say!...Louder!....Do you mark me well!?!"....
corpse.wav...."First I dismembered the corpse...I cut off the head and then the arms and legs...I then took up 3 planks from the flooring of the chamber and I deposited all beneath the floor...I then replaced the boards so cleverly, so cunningly that no human eye could detect it....Not even his!....Could have detected anything wrong".....
telltale.wav...."It is the beating of his hideous heart!!!"....
hartbeat.wav...."Sit very still and your heartbeat beating in the same rhythm?....It is the heartbeat of a dying man....and it with death and dying that we concern ourselves....What happens at the point of death?...What happens after death?"....prologue to Tales Of Terror....
staydead.wav...."What happens after death to someone who does not choose to say dead?".......
sphinx.wav...."At this instant, I again had a distinct view of the monster, to which with a shout of absolute terror I now directed his attention.....Look! Look!....He looked eagerly but maintained that he saw nothing, although I designated minutely the course of the creature as it made its way down the hill"....(From Vincent's one man show "An Evening With Edgar Allen Poe" the story of The Sphinx)
morality.wav...."Is there no morality left in this world?".....
effnmess.wav...."F*cking mess you've made of things again!".....
(interestingly enough, this was not cut out of the 1963 film The Comedy Of Terrors..Go Vinny!..he he..)
ohhowsad.wav...."Ah!...Oh how sad"....
vincent.wav....A snippit from Tim Burton's rare animated short.... Vincent...about a boy who yearns to be just like Vincent Price......"Vincent is nice when his Aunt comes to see him...but imagines dipping her in wax for his Wax Museum"...
horror.wav...."Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams...swept his mad laughter to terrified escape the madness he reached for the door....but fell limp and lifeless...down on the floor"......(another clip from Vincent)....
whosnext.wav...."Well......Who's next?"....
mouth.wav...."Your mouth madam......SHUT IT!!!"....
goodday.wav...."Good day to you!.....You penny pinching old pig!....(whew)"....
getoutta.wav...."Get outta here!"...
escape.wav...."We escape the unendurable how ever we can"....
goinout.wav...."Well, I'm goin' out and drink myself into a state of stupefaction"....
drphibes.wav...."I alone bring delivery of your pain"....
pendulum.wav...."The Pit!......Bring me my pendulum kiddies....I feel like swinging".....
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