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...A face any monster could love....
Peter Lorre
Please press the button below, to cast your vote for this site! Thanks!
trapdoor.wav...."I've got to go fix my trap door....You never know when somebody might drop in".....
1ofthese.wav...."One of these days....One of these days"....
pardonme.wav...."Pardon me ladies....can you spare a coin for a moral cripple?".....
hereiam.wav...."Here I am....young and handsome!"....
friendof.wav...."I want you to meet a friend of mine...A very, very good friend of mine.....The best friend I ever had in the whole wide world!....What was your name friend?"....
howcani.wav...."How can I sleep when I know what you've done?!?"....
ucoward.wav...."Afraid to try me? coward!"......
buried.wav...."I don't like to see anybody buried naked....I don't...I just don't".....
coffin.wav...."Anybody could be proud to rest in this coffin"....
vgtarian.wav....Peter Lorre:...."How bout some jellied spiders...rabbit's blood?......deadman's hair?"
Vincent Price:.."No...we don't keep those things in this house.....we're vegetarians"....
Some dialogue with Peter Lorre and Vincent Price from The Black and below....
samsing.wav...Vincent helps a very drunken Peter Lorre sing his Sam song duet..."Who dat?..Who dat? it you Sam?"....
hotmilk.wav...."Vincent: Here's some nice hot milk"...
coffeyet.wav...."Oh....I didn't have my coffee yet myself"......
imgoing.wav...."Eh!....Why don't you watch where I'm going!"....
muchnois.wav...."Don't make so much noise!.....I don like it".....
wontbite.wav...." wont bite me...hmm he hmmm"....
kickhead.wav...."Keep dat beast away from me or I'll kick his head in!"....
ifi.wav...."If I ever catch you I'll....I'll tear your head off!
topmorn.wav...."Top of the morning!"......
touching.wav...."How touching"....
thankyou.wav...."Thank you for looking into your heart"....
waitwait.wav...."Wait...Wait!.....I don't want you to go"....
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