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...And yet another guest spot appearance...
The Master Of Suspense!....Alfred Hitchcock!
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goodeveng.wav...."Oh good evening ladies and gentlemen...and welcome to Hollywood"
goodeve.wav...."Good Evening fellow Necromaniacs...."
channels.wav...."Changing channels is not only fool hearted but also extremely dangerous....So I don't believe you ought to try it"....
deadly.wav....."Welcome to the Alfred Hitchcock Hour....It's Deadly"....
premontn.wav...."Have you ever had a premonition?....A feeling that something dreadful was about to happen?"....
double.wav...."Double double toil and trouble.....Fire burn....cauldron bubble"....
metagain.wav...."When shall we three meet again?....In thunder, lightning or in rain?....When the battle's lost and won?....Well that will be ere the set of sun....Well, in other words, next week"....
amoment.wav...."Please, I'm quite busy....would you wait a moment?"....
htchcock.wav....Theme from The Alfred Hitchcock Hour "Dance Of The Marionettes"....
birds.wav....From the Motion picture The Birds....some Sound effects....
risselty.wav....Risselty Rosselty a tune penned by The Birds script writer Evan Hunter..based on an old nursery rhyme sing song. We've had some requests for this one so, let's all sing along with the kids of Bodega Bay School...."The butter came out a grizzle-y-grey. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Mo, mo, mo! The cheese took legs and ran away! Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey bombosity, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Mo, mo, mo!…I brought my wife a horse one day. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Mo, mo, mo! She let the critter get away. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey bombosity, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Mo, mo, mo!…I asked my wife to wash the floor. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Mo, mo, mo! She gave me my hat and showed me the door! Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey bombosity, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Mmmmmmmo, Mmmmmmmo, mo!....I married my wife in the month of June. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Mo, mo mo!…I carried her off in a silver spoon. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey bombosity, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Mo, mo, mo!…She combed her hair but once a year. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Mo, mo, mo! With every rake, she shed a tear. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey bombosity, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Mo, mo, mo!"…
normsmom.wav....Anthony Perkins as Psycho's Norman Bates...."My mother isn't feeling quite herself today..."
harmafly.wav....Norman Bates Mother(?):....."Why she wouldn't even harm a fly"....
showstab.wav......From Psycho.....the shower
stabbing music.....
psycho.wav......Janet Leigh's cruising music from Psycho......
bigger.wav...."Ah well....the bigger they are the harder they fall".....
excelent.wav......"Excellent!.....Thank you"....
come4tea.wav...."How nice of you to come for tea"....
tossalad.wav...."By the way...what you have just seen is of historic significance....It was precisely in this way, that a housewife carrying an arm load of vegetables invented the tossed salad".....
horsback.wav...."Horseback riding is an exhausting sport....actually the riding isn't's getting up....the ladder broke twice"....
rush.wav...."That is quite enough for tonight....first the blood rushes to my head....and now my head seems to be rushing someplace"....
veryshy.wav...."I'm a very shy, mild, inoffensive individual".....
sponsor.wav...."Now before I say goodnight....My sponsor would like to bring you an important message"....
amusing.wav....."That was amusing.....wasn't it?"....
dispense.wav...."But first let us dispense with this bit of routine business"...
thatwas1.wav...."That...was satisfying!".....
televisn.wav...."I have a request for those of you not watching televison....Turn on your set....I'm sure I look much worse in the flamboyant Technicolor of your imagination than I do in austere black and white of television....(click)...Thank you"....
plugedin.wav...."If you see three young men with electric guitars please send them back. They can't be too far, however, for they are still plugged in."
showbiz.wav...."Well.....apparently there's no business, like show business"....
dial-m-4.wav....If a woman answers...hang on for dear life! And so she does. Here's Grace Kelly as Margot Wendice screaming her lungs out in Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder.
criscros.wav...."We planned it together....criss cross." Robert Walker's memorable line reminds us why we should never talk to Strangers On A Train....
madkiller.wav...."I'm a dangerous assassin....I'm a mad killer on the loose." Cary Grant's line from Suspicion.
wronghit.wav...."This is Alfred Hitchcock the past I have given you many kinds of suspense pictures. But this time I would like you to see a different one...the difference lies in the fact, that this is a true story...every word of it." This is Hitchcock's promo intro to The Wrong Man...
fiddle.wav...."When the lights went out...the fiddle was put away"....
The Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection DVD Flash Promo & Movie Clips
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